Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fit the Bill: Spring/Summer Transition 2012

By: LL
Interested in getting a little extra cash during your spring transition? No, not the surprise cash that you might find tucked in the pockets of your spring coats or purses (but that is great, isn't it? Better than the stick of gum you might also find...I wouldn't chew that!). I am refering to the cash that you can make by selling some of your gently used clothes.

I am certain that all of us have a few older items in our closets with which it won't kill us to part. You know the ones that I am talking about - the metallic leggings that you only wore once for NYE, or that sweater that you bought even though it really is a size too small (but it was on sale!!).

Take some time over the next few weekends, before you put your winter clothes in storage, to assess whether you REALLY will wear that item next year. If not, then consider selling it, donating it, or even tossing it.

When folding up your clothes this season's end, follow the steps below:
  1. Designate four piles: KEEP, SELL, DONATE, TOSS. All your clothes/accessories will be categorized into one of these piles.
  2. Begin by taking inventory of what you have. Are you hoarding two identical cream sweaters? Make sure that you are not storing duplicates. Be honest with yourself and only keep the one that you like best (or is in the best condition) and you truly will wear again.
  3. "If you didn't wear it last season..." Again, be honest. Calculate how long it has been since you wore an item. This season? Keep. Last season? Probably donate/sell/toss (unless of course it is one of those specific occasion pieces - like a holiday cocktail dress - that maintains its style qualities year after year).
  4. After you have finished sorting, revisit the sell pile and determine which items you could sell to a consignment shop (i.e., Plato's Closet, which only takes items that are less than a season old and in excellent condition), auction online (i.e., eBay, which is best for selling name-brand or designer labels), or sell at your neighborhood rummage sale (which really doesn't give the item as much exposure). If you aren't sure what will sell or not, it is worth a try to sell it through at least one venue. And, after it doesn't sell, then donate it.
  5. When taking your clothes to donate, make sure to get a slip from the agency (i.e., Goodwill) that documents your donations so that you can claim it on your tax return for next year. You can deduct the estimated value of the items.
But let's take this slimming down process one step further and also look through the spring/summer items that you are pulling back out of storage.
  1. Follow ste one from above.
  2. Try on everything. I'm not suggesting that things won't fit, but more along the lines that they might not fit how you would like them to. Personal preferences on lengths and cuts can change very quickly, and it has been months since you last saw these garments. Heck, they could be too big on you (here's hoping).
  3. "If you didn't wear it last season..." Again, be honest. You know what you wore last season and what you will wear this season. Don't continue to hold onto things that you will not wear. They could go to good use in another person's closet. 
  4. Follow step 4 above.
  5. Follow step 5 above.
It might be hard to part with some of your clothes. I get the same way, with the thoughts of "but if the right occasion comes up," or "if my other similar item gets ruined..." This past weekend, my husband made me go through this process with my shoes (I do not even want to mention how many pairs of spring/summer shoes I have been hiding in a crate under our guest bed), and I donated or threw out a lot of shoes that I truly will not wear again. So, I know that the process of trimming and organizing can be difficult (but necessary if you live in a small space). However, keep in mind that selling your items is an activity that will fit the bill, giving you the extra cash to purchase a few of the items that you so desperately want for spring/summer 2012. And, if you donate your items, you are potentially helping out someone in need. Plus, as the saying goes: One man's trash...


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