Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Race Reviews: Women Run the Cities!

By Jessie

This past weekend, I ran the "Women Run the Cities" 10 mile. It's only a week before my marathon in St. George, Utah, but the schedule called for ten miles, so why not get a cool medal for doing it? I was careful not to push myself, since I really shouldn't be racing a week before the marathon.

The race was along the river road. The weather was PERFECT- a clear, cool, no wind day. I decided to just stick with the 8:30 pacer since this was not a race for me, just a training run. It was the pacer's first time pacing, and she and I bonded over the hour and twenty minutes. She's actually a manager at  Jamba Juice close to my work, and I definitely recognized her. The 10 miles flew by.

Since this was an "All-Female" race, there were lots of female empowerment signs like the below. It was very inspiring!
I'm hoping that the Southern half of "The Right Fits" comes up to join me for this race next year!

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