By: LL
I have been teaching spin classes now for just over eight years. I have taught a variety of styles, at multiple studios, in cities from the Midwest to the Mid-South. Throughout the years, I have (for the most part) really enjoyed teaching. However, I think that I might be burning out.
This worries me because I feel that I run the risk of getting turned off of spin for good. But it is hard to continue with my classes when my heart is no longer in it (and it really isn't fair to the participants). Recently, I have found myself thinking about yoga classes or boot camp classes - how great would it be to enroll in one of those programs?!?! For instance, I think that it would be a much needed addition to my routine to focus on flexibility and toning as enhancements to my first exercise passion: running. And yes, I have tried to find ways to fit them all into my schedule, but it just doesn't seem to work, unless I want to spend all my free time at the gym (I think that my husband would object). So, I think that it might be time to "unclip my shoes" and take a sabbatical from spin. As a nudge in this direction, I started looking at options near where I live and work, and was excited to find a top rated Bikram Yoga studio close by.
But this still is a hard decision. Like I stated above, I have been dedicated to spin for over eight years. And I do love it. But I question whether it is good for me to continue. Is there something out that I will enjoy more? I really enjoyed the sculpt class at Core Power Yoga with Cool J this past spring, and I could really use the flexibility! However, if I stop spin now, will I ever get back into it? Will losing this exercise commitment make me lax on my regime? Will I get the same health benefits from the other options? Will it be worth giving up the money and spending more? Yet, will burning out be worse than stepping back for awhile?
In short, how do you know when it is time to change your fitness routine?
I looked into a few different fitness resources and found a few common signs that you might be burning out: (1) lack of progression, (2) undue fatigue, and (3) increasingly consistent lack of motivation. They also gave some ways to avoid exercise burn out, which include: (1) completely changing your routine every 8-12 weeks, (2) trying 2-3 different workouts per week, (3) striving to try something completely new every few months, and (4) taking a full week off from exercise every 3-6 months.
Yep, I think that it might be time to change my routine...
I bet you will find your way back to a spin bike, LL! Just take a little break, try some new things, and see how you feel. I am excited to hear how you like Bikram!