Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fit Fanatic: How to Survive 20+ Miles on Your Own.

By: Cool J
Based on my condensed 9 week training for the Memphis marathon, I was scheduled for 20+ miles today.  And I had to do it alone (pretty much- I did have company for the first 4 miles). 

Need to know how to survive 20+ miles on your own?

Here's what you need...

1) A route. My run club coach mapped out a nice 20.5 mile loop around the city. It was so nice of him to do this, and the route was a welcome change from the familiarity of running the city lakes. Minneapolis has an amazing, well maintained chain of running paths. The route was a good mix of hills and flat surfaces, and showed off a good portion of what the city has to offer. I ran down Minnehaha Parkway, along the Mississippi River, past the new Twins stadium, and back to the run club on the recently finished Cedar Trail.

2) A Garmin. I know, I just told you that my coach mapped out a route. What did I need my Garmin for? Well, I guess I really didn't NEED it, but I like to know my pace. I like to upload my run after the fact, and I especially enjoy seeing the calorie count!

3) Breakfast! Now, I know everyone is different, but I can't run 20 miles without some food in my belly. I'm a "peanut butter/jelly time" type of girl. Whole wheat toast is my fuel of choice. What's yours?

3) MUSIC. I normally run with my run club, and don't need any music. But unfortunately, no one in my club is training for a December YES, I need some Rihanna, some Coldplay, some Girl Talk, what have you, to keep me going.

4) A Thanksgiving themed BIC Band! It was windy today in Minneapolis, so I needed to keep that mane under control, and what better way to do so than a Turkey Day band! (Yes, I did put it on upside down.)

5) LULULEMON! No, Lululemon is not a requirement for a 20 mile run. But it definitely makes it easier! They think of everything with their fingers hooks and hand warmers, and the cute ruffles on their running tights. And I think they have some magic potion in their tights that make your butt smaller. I swear.

6) Fuel! Two GU's, some Powerade, water belt. Check.

7) Support! Now, I have raved about the Calhoun Beach Club already in previous posts. Since the Memphis marathon does not coincide with the major local marathons (Twin Cities Marathon, Minneapolis Marathon, and Grandma's Marathon) we knew that we would be training on our own. However, a few amazing friends from the club offered up their Saturday mornings to give D-man and I support along the route.

First, Kelly met me around mile 9 with Gatorade, oranges, water, and even delicious pumpkin bread! I could have eaten the whole loaf, but I knew it probably wasn't a good idea.

Second, Coach K held a support stop around mile 15 with Lifesavers, strawberries, Gatorade, and water.

It was not just the physical support that was so greatly appreciated, but also the mental support of knowing that in just a few more miles, I would have a friendly face to give me that extra boost.

Thanks again Kelly and  Coach K!

Thanks to you- I did it! 20.5 miles on my own. Bring it on Memphis!

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