Saturday, July 14, 2012

Functional Fit: Imagination

By: LL

As you read here, I'm currently training for 1 (potentially 2) half marathons for September. So far, it bas been rough going due to the record high temperatures - even at dawn, which is when I prefer to run. And yesterday morning was the worst yet. Since my husband and I are in the midst of moving to our house today (thus the free time to blog while the movers do all the heavy lifting), I had to do my long run yesterday morning. No biggie! Except that when the alarm went off at 4:15, it was pouring rain. I had to run a 10k on a dreadmill.

I know some people enjoy the treadmill, but I find it painful for any distance over three miles. In order to get through the run, I had to use my imagination (cue the Willy Wonka song...). We all do it - whether running inside or out. We create different run scenarios or reflect back on memorable runs. For some it is crossing the finish line for the first time. Others might imagine themselves running along the beach. For difficult runs, you need to escape where you are and take your mind out of the equation, because it is your mind giving up, not necessarily your body.

For me, I imagined myself on one of my favorite routes that I used to run when I lived in East Lansing, Mich. It was a fall morning - 57 degrees fahrenheit. The sun had just risen and leaves scattered along the sides of the path and danced in the breeze. It was quiet - the city still slept. I could smell autumn. I was there even though, physically, I was pounding away on the treadmill, going nowhere, in a hot gym, with the rain hitting the windows and the lightening flashing.

As runners, we know that many times the challenge of running a long distance is not the physical at all; it is mental. I believe, and you may disagree with me, that beyond the half way point (i.e., 13.1 for a full marathon; 6.2 for a half), your body can do it, but your mind is what you have to train. And a little imagination - training your mind to get outside of your run - is what helps you accomplish your goals. I even ended up running seven...on a treadmill!

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