By Cool J in Minneapolis
Thanks to Dusters for the snarky New Year’s post.
Thanks to Dusters for the snarky New Year’s post.
Couple quick failed fits to share for the end of 2012…
Sunday: I had plans to run with some girlfriends at 8:30 am. The thermometer read 2F, and apparently it felt like -12 with the wind. However, I thought we were still on (I mean, my friends are tough, right?) So I went through my morning routine and was ready to head out the door, when I received a text at 8:20 that the run was off…Well then! I wasn’t motivated enough to get in the extra miles by myself outside in the cold, so instead I went to LA Fitness for some cross training on the elliptical and the stair stepper. Maybe this failed fit was a good thing? I could always use some extra non-running cardio, right?
Monday: I had plans to head to LA Fitness for some early morning miles on the treadmill. I arrived at 5:30 am, to a dark gym and an empty parking lot. Apparently, the gym had shortened hours on NYE. Shoot! Fortunately, there is a Corepower Yoga studio right around the corner. I headed over there instead. I only had my running clothes, and didn’t have my yoga mat, but I rented a mat and the morning turned into a yoga sculpt morning instead.
Moral of the story? Well, sometimes you have to be flexible in your workouts. They won’t always go exactly as planned. I suggest bringing your whole closet with you (figuratively of course), so you have the right gear for whatever workout ends up fitting in. Sometimes I feel like the bag lady with all the gear I have to bring. And even with my full bags, I still forgot my mat in the house and had to rent one from Corepower.
Flexibility is key. Your workouts won’t always go as planned, but as long as you roll with the punches, you can still find a way to Fit Fitness into your life!
I completely agree! I have a unpredictable work schedule, so workouts are frequently changing from morning to evening, and from yoga to run. This year I'm going to do better at having my yoga gear in my bag so if I get a chance to go to class, I'm ready for it!