Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fit Challenge: 30 Days of Planks and a Weekly Recap

By Jess in Minneapolis

I did my 90 second plank this morning after a very snowy morning run. 

Matilda and I joined two girlfriends for an easy run in a winter wonderland this morning. It would have been quite nice if not for the wind! None of the trails were plowed yet either. There were definitely some slick spots, but overall, the footing wasn't too bad.

Here's how Fitness wrapped up last week:
Lots of planking, right? 90 seconds for today. The schedule is down below again for your reference. I am starting to think 90 seconds of planking might be my max...it was tough at the end! Did you do yours?

Monday: treadmill run: 5 miles, 30/30 class at Pilates ProWorks- 30 minutes of barre, 30 minutes on the reformer
Tuesday: treadmill run: 8 miles
Wednesday: Speed workout at the downtown Y track: 6 miles with three 5-minute tempo intervals, 1 minute rest in between. The downtown Y has a track that is 10 laps to a mile. It actually wasn't so bad, and I think I'll use this option again for speed workouts during the winter.
Thursday: treadmill run: 5 miles, volunteer event at Meals for Minds <-- more on that later, great event!
Friday: 55 minute reformer class at Pilates ProWorks
Saturday: 14.5 mile long run (longer than intended, but felt pretty good, despite some slushy footing)
Sunday: Basically a rest day, except for my attempt at skate skiing- failed fit! 

I really enjoyed the reformer classes that I took at Pilates ProWorks this week. I don't have a lot of experience with reformer classes, but they reminded me a little bit of the Surfset fitness class we took a few weeks ago, where you're working your whole body at the same time. Its a little like barre, where its not big weights and big movements, but rather small moves that engage your core at all times.

I did run 5 days this week, rather than my planned 4, but I think that's okay now that I'm into training for the Flying Pig Marathon. I'm still sticking with 2 non-running days. Unfortunately, I didn't squeeze in any yoga. Hopefully this week will be better in that area.

In Fitness Fashion, Gap Fit has a lot of fun new athletic wear! Have you tried any of it? Any idea how it fits? I have been eying a lot of fun stuff online, and I am throwing a fit for a few of their bright capris.

In Fashion, I have also been throwing a fit for the killer monogrammed clutch that "Life with Emily" often carries:
Its $130, and probably not that functional, but I just love it! 
Find it HERE in multiple colors

And here's your plank schedule again. Let me know if you're still on track!

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