Monday, September 29, 2014

Fitting Remarks: You Know You're About to Run The Twin Cities Marathon If...

12. Your chafing has healed since your last big long run.

11. Your want to eat ALL the things.

10. You are relentlessly watching the10-day forecast (and therefore recognize all of Sven Sungaard's cardigans)
picture from Kare 11
9. You're practicing your safety pin skills. It's important to get that bib on just right!

8. You don't know what to do with yourself with all this free time during the taper.

7. Your friends are wondering what happened to you, as you have been living a bit like a hermit to avoid getting sick, making sure you're sleeping enough, eating right and not drinking. (Good job doing the right things during the taper- it will be worth it!)

6. You're drinking Powerade Mountain Berry Blast to develop a taste for it (per Nathan @Minneapolis Running's advice!)

5. You're printing out pace bracelets, practicing your mantras, and reflecting on your running journal.

4. You're handing out spectator guides to friends and family...and maybe strangers (!), letting them know when and where to cheer for you.

3. You've scheduled your post marathon massage...and pedicure! Your feet are nasty!

2. Men- you've given up shaving to "build up testosterone" before the race; then you can feel really fast when you shave the day before the race (** Please note- this is not scientifically proven...)

1. You can't have a conversation without somehow mentioning the fact that you're running the Twin Cities Marathon this weekend.

Any others?

Good luck TCM runners, I hope you have a great race day!
I'll be cheering for you around mile 4, 15, and 24 with cowbells, signs, and music!


  1. Super cute post, Jessie! Thanks for sharing, and for cheering on runners this weekend!
    -TCM Staff
