Monday, April 30, 2012

Functional Fit: Moving Day

By: LL
I know what has been running through your minds...where has LL been? We haven't seen any posts from her in awhile, right? Just kidding, but, for those few who might have noticed my absence from the Right Fits as of late, I am in the midst of my big move to KCMO. Well, actually we moved at the end of last week, but are still in the process of unpacking boxes and organizing our disorganization. And then, both my husband and I started new jobs today, which makes unpacking that much more difficult.

But, one great thing about moving this past week was the physical activity of lugging boxes down (3 flights of stairs) and back up (2 flights of stairs). All the lifting and bending and stairs - I definitely got quite the workout from such a functional activity. I was able to get multiple benefits out of something that I did not want to do.

For two straight days, I carried boxes and furniture out of one apartment and into another. With a little detective work (or visiting two of my favorite Websites: Spark People and Shape Magazine) I learned that a general apartment/home move can burn, on average, 7 calories a minute! And that does not include the strength workout that you will get from lifting and carrying. Moving, however painful and stressful it may be, is a very functional fit that can integrate easily into a weekly workout routine.

So, the next time that one of your friends asks you to lend them a hand with a move, so make up an excuse to avoid assisting a friend in need, rather embrace the favor as an opportunity to work your muscles in a different way and shake up your workout. Trust me, you will not be needing an additional workout after a day of heavy lifting!

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