Monday, January 20, 2014

Fresh New Fit: Aerial Fitness Part 2

Two weeks ago, Dustin and I took our first Aerial Fitness class at the Stomping Ground in Minneapolis (read all about our first class HERE). We took it as part of a Groupon that I had purchased, which included two classes. This past Wednesday, we took our second class.

The last time we took the class, we focused primarily on the lyra (the big metal hoop), whereas this time we spent the whole hour working on skills on the "tissu" or long fabric.

Of course, we warmed up first with some stretching, and then we began with the "climb" on the tissu, which was the only skill we had time for at the last class. The simple climb was pretty challenging for me at the last class, but this time around, I wasn't so worn out from the lyra. I was able to climb to the top, and then loosen my grip and slide down the fabric.

After we worked on the climb, we learned how to do a foot lock, where you wrap the tissue around your ankle/foot in a very secure way, so that when you stand up and put your weight on your foot lock, you are pretty comfortable and supported.

Once we mastered the foot lock, the instructor was able to teach us several new moves.

I think this one was called the "arabesque"? Don't quote me on that. You can see how Dustin's foot is secured in a wrap, or "foot lock."

We then went upside-down on the tissu (though we were all very close to the ground) by starting with our knee supporting the tissue, and then letting go and hanging upside down. Below is a picture of me getting into the upside-down position, and then fully in the "upside down."

I don't remember the name of this move. We did the foot lock wrap, then tucked our knee up high to brace against the tissu, let our bodies flip horizontally, and then let go with the upper hand. 

It seemed as though there were a lot of cool moves to learn on the tissu, though I think I found the lyra more physically challenging. I was sore after the class that focused on the lyra, but not as sore after this week's class. However, I was happy to get a a taste of both aspects of aerial fitness.

Most aerial students sign up for an eight-week session, where all the student progress together. However, the Groupon was only good for "Aerial 1" or a very basic drop-in class. The drop-in classes do fill pretty quickly, due to the popularity of the Groupon deal. You can always plan ahead to try a drop-in class, and then decide if its something you'd like, then you can sign up for a longer term commitment, via the eight-week program.

Dustin and I really enjoyed our little dabble into aerial fitness. Even though neither of us is exceptionally graceful or flexible, we were still able to follow along and learn some basic moves. It was a really fun experience. The instructor was really friendly and accommodating, and she helped each person figure out how to do the moves.

 If you're looking for a fresh, new fit to do something outside your comfort zone, check out an aerial fitness class! I guarantee you'll have a good time and learn something new.

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