Monday, October 31, 2011

Featured Fit: An Artistic Evening

By: Cool J
It's that time of year again- Halloween! And, who doesn't love an excuse to wear a costume? 

What did you wear- anything creative? See anything good while you were out?

When my sister decided to come up to run the Monster Dash 1/2 marathon, she mentioned that she had a Frida Kahlo costume she would bring.

We tried to come up with other recognizable artists, and decided the D-man should be Vincent Van Gogh...

And I would be a paintbrush!

We constructed the "brush" part of the costume with a hula skirt and wire. Aluminum foil was the base of the brush. A black turtleneck, tights, and a running skirt were the "handle".

A few splats of paint were the finishing touches.

However, no one knew what I was supposed to be. Some common guesses were that I was a troll, Carrot Top, Lady Gaga, and a Fraggle from Fraggle Rock.

So, it might have been a bit of a "failed fit" in terms of recognition, but that's what Halloween is all about, right?



  1. Hey there,
    I am a girl from Germany and I found your blog by google searching "paintbrush costume". In two weeks, I will go to a theme birthday party and the theme will be "colours". I wanted to think outside the box and not just go there in multicoloured clothes, but rather as a paint pot or a sample board, so my roomie came up with the brilliant idea of dressing up as a paintbrush - and you inspired me on how to do it! I will put more tinfoil around the neck I think! Thank you and keep on running!

  2. Nat,

    Happy to help you out! Would love to see your final costume. It's not an easy costume to make :) Good luck!
