Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Featured Fit: Minnesota Winter Running Essentials.

By Jess in Minneapolis

"Winter is coming."

This isn't just a quote from Game of Thrones. It's the truth. Winter is indeed coming, and runners in Minnesota (and the rest of the Midwest) need to be prepared.

All you warm weather readers, I am going to tell you something shocking. I run outside all winter. Yep. All winter. In Minnesota.

I have run through hail and blizzards, and you can too, as long as you have the right fits in terms of winter running gear!

Based on my personal experience, here is my list of the running essentials that you need to keep running all winter long.


1. Dress for Success Chart:  Keep this chart handy, runner friends. This helpful chart from Runner's World is definitely one of my winter running essentials. I reference this chart all the time before runs to figure out what to wear.
Dress for Success
Here’s a cheat sheet to help you dress appropriately for your runs, no matter what the thermometer says. This chart factors in the 10-Degree Rule but doesn’t account for a significant windchill. On very windy days, you may need to dress warmer.
(in degrees)
above 70
Lightweight/light-colored singlet and shorts
60 to 69
Tank top or singlet and shorts
50 to 59
T-shirt and shorts
40 to 49
Long-sleeve shirt and tights or shorts
30 to 39
Long-sleeve shirt and tights
20 to 29
Two upper-body layers and one lower-body layer
10 to 19
Two upper-body layers and one lower-body layer
0 to 9
Two/three upper-body layers, one/two lower-body layers
below 0
Three upper-body layers, two lower-body layers

2. YakTrax Run I did a full post on the YakTrax Run HERE. Now, if you don't want to pay up for the YakTrax Run, you can try a pair of regular YakTrax, and you'll be alright for a little while. But honestly, the YakTrax Run version will last so much longer. They are designed specifically for running and they can hold up to the wear and tear of cold weather training.  Order a pair today at R.E.I.  HERE
3. A Great Sports Bra- Well, this running essential applies in both warm or cold weather, but a great sports bra is just as important in the winter, even though it's going to be covered up with multiple layers. You know that I love the Serena bra by Moving Comfort and the Bitty Bracer by Lululemon. Chafing can still happen in the cold temps, so find a bra that fits you!

4. A Wicking Baselayer: There are a lot of great options out there for base layers, so stock up on a bunch. I love my new Long Sleeve Twist Top from Athleta, but the Brooks Heater Hog is definitely a good one, and I've had good luck with the base layers at Lululemon like this one

5. Warm Socks: When its really cold, I actually wear my snowboarding socks. They're wool and very warm. SmartWool brand is probably one of the best. Find them at REI

6. A Wind-Stopping Softshell/Jacket- This Craft one looks awesome. One or two really great winter running jackets is all you need. (You probably don't have to wash them every time you run, if you have several wicking base layers underneath.)

7. Warm Running Tights: Again, Craft makes a really good pair, and you can always go down the SportHill route (though they are somehow the least flattering pants in the world!) Brooks makes a fleece lined pair that is pretty warm as well. Here's a great list by Runner's World of good winter running pants.

8. Quality Running Gloves- I have a pair of Craft gloves that are extremely warm. The two-finger split makes this glove more like a mitten, and my hands stay super cozy in these.

9. Fleece Neck Warmer: A fleece neck gator (like this one) will really make a difference in your winter running. It will keep your neck and chin warm while also helping to prevent burning lungs.

10. A Warm Hat or Ear Band: I like the ear bands the best, but sometimes you'll need a really warm hat like this one or this one.

I also love running hats that have a hole for your pony tail as well, like this one by Saucony:

11. Lip balm with SPF: The wind and cold can make your kissers pretty chapped. I load up on Aquaphor before a cold run.

11. Knuckle Lights: Okay, you can get away with a head lamp, but you know I prefer the knuckle lights. (They were Friday's Favorite Fit a few weeks ago!) Knuckle lights are a winter running essential for both the early morning runners and the evening runners, now that our daylight hours are limited.

12. A Face Mask. Unfortunately, when its really windy and cold, you need to protect your face with more than just some SPF/Moisturizer.  Sexy? Not so much, but unfortunately a face mask is definitely a winter running necessity.

Now, if you just can't face the cold, there is always the treadmill or Metrodome running (at least for a little while) But if you purchase the items I have listed above, I think you'll find that winter running isn't so bad after all! It's invigorating! It keeps it interesting! It toughens us up, and that's what makes us real Minnesotans!

Previous posts by the Right Fits about cold weather running:
Fit Fanatic: So Cold
Fitting Debate: Running in Cold vs. Hot Temperatures
Fitting Debate: Running in Cold vs. Hot Temperatures Pt. 2

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