Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Weekly Recap: Fitness, Fashion, and Fitness Fashion

By Jess in Minneapolis

Another week has flown by, and I'm checking in today with a weekly recap of what's happening in Fitness, Fashion, and Fitness Fashion during the week of January 20-26th.

First up, a quick fashion update. A few of you asked about my dress from my friend's bachelorette party this past weekend...
I found it on the sale rack at my local Anthropologie. It's an online exclusive that appears to be sold out (though I did find it on ebay). Someone must have returned it to the store, so it was mine for just $50! I had to pair it with tights for a January event, but I think it could transition into spring with some nude heels. (And PS- I did a spray tan at the Glow Lounge with the bride-to-be...hence the post-vacation glow!)

Fitness Fashion:
In Fitness Fashion, I tried out a pair of the GapFit gFast leggings. Regularly $59.95, but on sale right now for $38.99 in blue or green:

Of course, I was drawn to the brightest color available. This lime green pair of tights were calling my name! They fit pretty well, and I'm happy with them so far. 

I’m really curious why the Gap is investing so much in their athletic ware, when they have Athleta? I suppose the Gap tights aren’t quite as nice as Athleta’s, and the price point is lower. I could tell that the material wasn’t quite as nice as my Splits59 pair or a pair from lululemon, but they work just fine for an additional pair to add to the rotation. I wore them to a barre class the other day and they worked well, though I probably wouldn’t run in them- not enough coverage for that!

And finally, here's how last week ended up in fitness:

Monday: Hilly intervals by Mary Tyler Moore’s house- 8 miles total. I had the day off so I took advantage and ran when the sun was out!

Tuesday: 6 miles on the treadmill, C2 Vinyasa at Corepower with Kim (I used to take Kim's yoga sculpt class quite a bit back when I first got started at Corepower, but this was my first time taking her vinyasa class)
Wednesday: 5 miles on the treadmill
Thursday: 7 miles on indoor track at the downtown Y (70 laps...yep, 70 times round and round...)
Friday: complete rest..running all those laps burned me out!
Saturday: 13.1 miles Securian Winter Run
Sunday: Bonus 3.5 mile run- I shouldn't be running on Sundays; that's not part of my plan for this training (no more than 5 days of running per week!) but this was an exception. I was part of a RUNNING photo shoot! 
(I'll have more to share on this next week, but it was pretty fun!)

So looking back, I guess my week wasn't actually very balanced- 6 days of running, 1 complete rest day, and 1 day of yoga...no strength, and about 43 miles of running. I hope to do a better job this week.

I did do lots of planking though- up to 4 minutes again today! Are you sticking with the 30 day plank challenge? Please let me know in the comments how it's going!

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