Friday, September 30, 2011

Fit Fanatic: St. George Marathon

By: Cool J
Some may say that I'm a bit of a fanatic when it comes to running. For a lot of people, a marathon is something you only do once. It's something that you check of your list of "things to do before I die", and that's the end of it. For me, I was hooked at the first finish line, and I keep coming back for more.  Tomorrow will be my 10th attempt at 26.2 miles, and each time the excitement, the emotions, and of course the finish line still get's thrilling.
And now, it has become an opportunity for my husband and I to travel to unique locations and see their best 26.2 miles. No matter what happens at the race, it is always an experience.

This is the 35th year of the St. George marathon. At the expo, there was a tribute showing every finisher's t-shirt for the past 35 years. Here's a fun one from 1981- how cute, right? I wish they were selling some of these retro t-shirts- that would be a fantastic fit!

But alas, the 2011 shirt is more modern. Take a look...

Another perfect fit for fitness are BIC bands from Etsy. They have velvet on the underside, which really helps them stay in place. I always need my hair to stay TOTALLY out of my face. I see some ladies who run with their hair down, and it doesn't seem to bother them. But that would not work for this girl!

This particular 26.2 headband was not actually "BIC" brand, but you can check out the extensive selection of similar bands here

What about you? Do you ever exercise with your hair down? Any suggestions for keeping it out of your face?

And one more pic...Our gear bags included an advertisement for this 10k. Winner gets a free wedding! Now that's an incentive to become a fitness fanatic!

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