Monday, January 30, 2012

Fundamental Fit: A Sunday Afternoon Stroll

By: LL
The most fundamental of all fits - the walk, or stroll - is often times not a part of my fitness routine. Not because I do not think about it, rather it is not efficient; it takes too much time to burn the same amount of calories as you can running, biking, etc. in shorter time. A stroll is something reserved for older adults, right? Wrong. As I was reminded yesterday, a stroll can be good physically and, more importantly, mentally.

Yesterday was my day "off" of fitness, so I wasn't planning to do much of anything active. But with the weather as beautiful as it was, I couldn't pass up my husband's suggestion that we go for a walk -  a nice Sunday afternoon stroll. And, I cannot tell you how nice it was! We never neared brisk, rather walked slowly, enjoying the scenery, the sunshine, and the conversation. It was wonderful, and after the hectic work schedules that the two of us have recently had, it was such a mind relief to relax, slow down, and enjoy.

When we finally returned home, we realized just how long we had been gone - but it didn't feel like more than an hour. And to be honest, my legs were just the slightest bit sore. I believe that it was the inclines and, given the fact that I RARELY walk that slow, I was engaging muscles that do not often get used as they were - similar to when you slow down reps when lifting or doing pushups/squats - maybe not?

Either way, it was a great experience and I definitely recommend revisiting this fundamental fit - at least once a month - which can help the mind/body connection and still is fitness, even if you aren't breaking a sweat.

Outfit Details:
- Patagonia Re-Tool Snap-T Pullover
- Ralph Lauren Button Down
- Citizen of Humanity Jeans
- Ray Ban Sunglasses
- Pearl Studs (gifted)

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