Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fits Do Fitness Class Reviews: Corepower Bootcamp Day 2 + 3

By Jessie

As a follow-up to my review of Corepower Bootcamp Day 1, below I review days 2 and 3:

DAY 2:
Day 2 was more circuits, but this time they were more focused on strength with less cardio. Therefore, we did each circuit for 1.5 minutes for two sets, and one "turbo" 45 second set. It didn't feel quite as intense without all the cardio, but I can definitely feel it in my arms now. We also had time today for a stretch and cool down, which was helpful.


  1. Cone jumps (forward/back, side to side, and ski jumps)
  2. Wall sits with bicep curls
  3. Torso twist with exercise band (attached to wall)
  4. Side planks
  5. "Heisman" curls on step
  6. Exercise ball sit with leg extension and bicep curl
  7. Skull crushers on stability ball
  8. BOSU ball back lifts (lie on BOSU, left head/upper body)
  9. TRX lunges alternating with curtsy lunges
  10. Pushups
Second workouts have been treadmill runs both days. Today was especially challenging as I had class at night til 9:30, so I had to "fit fitness" in over my lunch time. One of the gals in my class actually did a Corepower bootcamp at the Minnetonka studio, and she didn't have a very good experience. She said that in her opinion, a 3 days/week bootcamp is more maintainable post-bootcamp, whereas the Corepower method is to "kick your booty" every day, rather than help you develop a long-lasting, maintainable workout regime. 

What do you think? Do you have any experience with less frequent bootcamps, but perhaps for a longer duration? Do you think they produce better results?

Today's circuits were back to more cardio. My upper body was still sore from yesterday, and more than anything, I was tempted to sleep in this morning, after a long day yesterday with two workouts, work, and school. But I did it- I got up and made it to bootcamp day 3!

Today, we did the below series of circuits 3 times through for 1 minute, and then a "turbo" round for only 30 seconds. My least favorite exercise was the BOSU ball squat jumps or the resistance band punches. Those two were pretty tough.
  1. Plank Pike-Up: Your abs and lower back are the main targets here, but your core will benefit too.
  2. Resistance band punches (exercise band attached to wall, jab out with resistance)
  3. Ballast ball lunge with reverse woodchopper
  4. Step up with bicep curl
  5. Cone shuffles (fast feet!)
  6. BOSU ball jump squats
  7. "Ice Skaters"
  8. TRX Chest Press
  9. Forearm plank with knee hike
  10. Jump rope!



I plan to run again for my second workout for the day. Downsides of so much working out? LAUNDRY! I feel like I can't keep up!

I have stuck to my other goals so far, and not had any wine or beer all week. I have cut back on my salty snacks, and am eating fruit with every meal, even if it's just a clementine or some blueberries. I think that making that conscious decision makes me more aware of what I'm putting into my system, and how it's fueling my body for these intense circuits.

I hope my motiviation continues POST- bootcamp!

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