Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fitting Debate: Short vs. Long Hair

By Jessie

Short or long? That is my current hair debate. I chopped my hair in 2007, right before I got engaged. Of course, I then wanted it long again right away to be able to wear a traditional updo for the wedding, so I have been growing it since then. As I prepared for my upcoming hair appointment, I was strongly considering whether to go short again.

In theory, short hair sounds like it should be less maintenance. But in my experience, long hair is easier. Bic bands ,  headbands, and ponytails are easy options when you're short on time. With short hair, you always have to style it. You can't just throw it back and go. It's a part of your whole look, and it's difficult to vary that look with a short style.

My short hair in 2007....

My long hair...

LL has varied her look as well. She had a very chic short 'do in 2008 at my wedding, 
but she also rocks her long locks quite well.

I decided to ease into the option of short hair this time around.
Here are the "before and after pics"

Granted, it was only 3-4 inches, but I'm easing into it, remember?

I plan to schedule another appointment for late spring. 
Until then, I will continue to browse celebrity pictures and try to determine if short or long is the answer. I feel that there must be the perfect, "wake-up-and-go" haircut out there. Is it a bob? A pixie cut?

Til then, I'll keep stocking up on BIC bands to prepare for the inevitable bad hair day.

How about a seasonal Gingerbread BIC band?

FYI, in the "before and after" pics, the sweater is from Anthropologie. 
The necklace is an LL Original- Contact her if you're interested in something similar!

1 comment:

  1. Please don't cut it any further. You look awesome, and much younger with your longer hair! No comparison whatsoever. Ask your guy friends, and I bet that most will agree with me.
