Monday, February 17, 2014

Weekly Recap: Feb. 9- Feb. 15th, and a New Store With Great Fitness Fashion!

Hi all!

I'm back again with a weekly recap of The Right Fits' take on fitness, fashion, and fitness fashion!

On the fitness front, it was a rough week. Well, it started out strong...
Monday: 7 miles on the treadmill, wall sits and planks and more core
Tuesday: 7 miles at the CBRC with 3 hill repeats (each repeat on the "winter hill" is about 1.5 miles)

Then Wednesday hit me with a horrible chest cold. I believe the rule is that "if it's in your chest, you should rest" I did that. I took Wednesday and Thursday off from running, and really tried to get rid of the horrible cold- I drowned it with water and tea (Awesome tip- put your Hall's cough drop in a lemon herbal tea. It helps!)

Friday wasn't much better, but I decided to try to do my long run anyways. It wasn't was about 1 degree outside (so tired of the cold...), and my nose was running like crazy and I coughed quite a bit, but I managed to complete 15 miles. Definitely NOT my best long run.

Friday night was my friend Jen's wedding; hence the drive to get the long run in on Friday morning (I took the whole day off of work). Even though the awful cold still was plaguing me, I still managed to have an awesome time celebrating the special occasion!

Love these ladies :-)

The wedding was so lovely, and I had a great time.

Saturday, I slept in as late as my body needed (about 9 am) and then eventually made my way to a C2 class at Corepower Yoga.  I was still congested and coughing, but fortunately, I don't think I was too annoying throughout the class, and it did feel really good to sweat and stretch.

Sunday, I ran 8 miles with Matilda the Vizsla. It was pretty great.

So, in summary, I only had about 37 miles, two full rest days, and 1 yoga class. No strength training. Not my best week... but I guess sometimes you have to take it easy, and this cold was my reason. I'm hoping after our trip to Utah, I'll be ready to really delve into some serious training for Flying Pig.

What's happening in fashion?
In fashion this week, I guess I could share some info on the dress I wore to Jen's wedding. I bought it at Anthropologie. It's called the "Sequin Cutout Dress" and unfortunately, it looks like its sold out (though you can find it on ebay)
I bought the dress because of the color. I thought it would be perfect for a Valentine's Day wedding. Unfortunately, it wasn't my favorite fit for ME. I think it just wasn't the right dress for my body type, but lesson learned- no online shopping for cocktail dresses! I am not sure I would have bought it, had I tried it on versus purchased it online, but I suppose it still worked out okay. Just not the "Right Fit" in my mind.

What's happening in fitness fashion?
In fitness fashion, I have been eying up some of the awesome fitness apparel at Lole.

Have you heard of this company?

They carry apparel for yoga, swim, run, lifestyle, and outwear.  Its supposed to be "pure, earth-friendly, and beautiful", and I think their stuff is pretty cute!  Check out THIS ARTICLE for more information on the story of Lole, and then check out their website. I haven't purchased anything yet, but I am very tempted!

Here are some of the items that I am throwing a fit for!

The sweety bra (find it HERE)

 the Love Earflap (find it HERE)

and the Nina Duffle Bag (find it HERE)

So much cute stuff!

Well, that's it from the Right Fits today. I hope you had a really great weekend.

*Did you try any fresh new fits this week? 
Find any fashion or fitness fashion deals that fit the bill? Have you purchased anything from Lole before? Please share!

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