Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tilda Tuesdays: The Minnehaha Dog Park and the Wiener Dog Races.

Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday is supposed to be the day of the week when we are the most productive in the office.  So...good job being so efficient friends! Now it's time for a little bit of cute dog distraction to break up all this productivity. It's time for Tilda Tuesday!

Today's post is about one of Tilda's favorite dog parks, the Minnehaha Dog Park.

We don't go to this dog park as frequently as the airport dog park, but when we do go, Matilda LOVES it.

She loves the sandy areas. She loves the wooded areas. She loves the beaches. She kinda loves the river, but not so much that we have to give her a bath afterwards.

Since it has been a really wet summer, we were worried that this park would be flooded, or at the very least, extremely muddy. Yet we went over Labor Day weekend, and it wasn't bad at all! We spent about an hour and a half letting Tilda run crazy at the park, before heading to..drumroll please....THE WIENER RACES at Lake Nokomis!!!

Oh my gosh, this was the cutest little event ever! It was organized by the SandCastle restaurant. I read about it on the Sidewalk Dog blog a few weeks ago, and pencilled it into our calendar.

The event featured a pretty short course for the races- actually, less than 50 yards...There was a woman calling out the "heats" and starting each one with a Ready, Set, Go!

 These dogs were IN IT TO WIN IT! 

Spectators lined the course, of both the human and canine variety. 

The below picture is a wiener dog named Annabelle, who took home the big win in the finals. She didn't let anything distract her. This wiener is a winner!

And for your viewing enjoyment, here's a quick video of the races:

The wiener dog races at Lake Nokomis were such a cute event for dog lovers of all kinds. We will definitely be back next summer. Tilda seemed to enjoy it too, though I'm guessing she would have crushed those poor dogs in a race.

Matilda wants to know, when are the vizsla races??
I suppose she can have her moment of glory next year at the Fast & Furry 8k!

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