Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Favorite Fit: Christmas Morning Run

By Jessie

LL recently posted about our family's "Pajama Time" tradition. My husband and I also have carried on that tradition into our adulthood, purchasing a new pair of pajamas to be opened on Christmas Eve, for a cozy night by the fire with a warm mug of Tom & Jerry.

But I also have a tradition that I have been following for probably the past 8 years- a Christmas morning run.  I started the Christmas morning run tradition back in college, when I would be home for the holidays at my parents house in Michigan. Knowing that the rest of the day would include a big meal, several glasses of wine, and lots of "laziness," I wanted to start off the day by burning at least some calories.

I have continued this tradition every year (perhaps a tad to my husband's chagrin, as he takes his "pajama time" very seriously on Christmas day). Last year, I actually met some friends for a snowy 8 miler.  It was a lovely run on a lovely winter day.

This year, I was on my own, but it was easy to get up and go for a run, as the weather in my city was unseasonably warm. There was no snow on the ground, and the temperatures were in the mid-40s.  And I guess I was not entirely alone; I had Matilda the Vizsla with me. It was a perfect way to exercise her, while continuing my tradition.

My husband predicted that "no one else was crazy enough to run on Christmas day" 
but alas, I counted 47 runners, 17 dogs, and 3 Santa hats. Nice job Minneapolis!

I came back in, rosy cheeked, sweaty, 
and ready for a quick pop in the shower, and then a mimosa and presents!

It was time to find the "pickle" in the tree (another family tradition) and let the fun begin!

Matilda was pleased with her new sweater.

Running on Christmas morning can be extremely invigorating. The crisp air, the quiet streets, the cheery runners that you do see. And that is why it's one of my favorite fits!

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